Welcome to my little page!
I am Blorb, also known as confusedcatgirl, and I generate AI Artifacts as a Hobby!
I also like to draw sometimes, and code in various languages from time to time.
Most of the time, I am pretty laid back, and I like to talk about video games too!
I like to mess around with game engines, and see what I can make with them.
While I like to use AI tools, I am extremely hypocritical about using AI in business,
or aggressively promoting it, or calling things that should not be called that an "AI".
I also believe that AI is a tool that should be used more carefully, and not to create
stuff like deepfakes. Another one of my beliefs is that AI media should be something
that cannot be demanded money for. After all, it is essentially just copying homework.
This page is rather short as of right now, but I hope to extend it into a lot more!
Running locally at my place, this server is only available to a select few. It has been properly configured to utilize HSTS and HTTPS.
Only a select few, including myself, have access to it, mostly to manage tasks more easily, but also to store files etc.
It is based on nextcloud, and is very easy to set up for your own home usage, so go check them out!
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Images used in the News Section have their links in "confusedblorb.org/news.json". These belong to their respective owners.
Banner by mooshieblob 2024